In my first post, I wrote... life is like a roller coaster.. sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down. If you ask me now... my life is upside down.

I don't know what I want anymore. I don't know what will make me happy. Things like clothes, shoes, shopping doesn't interest me anymore. I tried to put on a smiling face when I am around my friends. I tried to joke and chat as what I usually do when I am around them. And I thought I did it very well. Till.... Celine pointed out that she notice that I am not what I used to be anymore.
I am not the "happy go lucky" girl anymore, not the Adeline that she used to know... even though I laugh, I smile, I talk but it's not the same. She asked me what's wrong with me. I says that there is nothing wrong.. I am still what I am. She says NO. Other might not notice it but she does. Another friend of mine, says that I always sigh. Asked me where all my smiles goes? Asked me to be like my favourite flower; Sunflower... Always look at the bright side. That's when it hit me hard on my head... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???

I need to CHANGE!!! Yes, I think I really need to change back to the happy me. To the one that brings happiness to people. I need to think positive. I need to bring back colors to my life. I don't want them to worry about me. I don't want to have a boring and negative life.... SMILE, SMILE, SMILE.... 只要笑一笑没什么大不了!!!!

Probably you have grew up. Happy go lucky is good but when people advances in age (I'm NOT saying you are old) we tend to stabilize and begin to take life more seriously.
No one says earth is like heaven. Things will not always turn out the way we want. If you are always happy, you wouldn't be appreciating it... because without sadness, you wouldn't know what is happiness.
As long as you don't dwell in it, some despair may help you grow and face life. Sorry to say but I don't feel secure in friendship that has only happiness... it felt shallow to me...
why want to go back "happy go lucky"? you think past is good because it has so much color? Maybe you just too bored with your current life but there is no wrong with you.
Create color for your future... I sure you can do it. :)
Learn to play mah-jong! Hahaha! Or read my blog! Hahaha!
Faith, we do feel down once a while. It is natural. The important thing is find something or someone to love; food, pets, people, anything!
And have a whole bunch of friends who share different activities or passion with you. Me? I have 3 (1 spare kaki because we play 3-kar one) good buddies who play mah-jong with. Another few groups of people to go travelling or food hunting with etc.
Of course there are Astro, Dell 10" and my BlackBerry!
But most important is yourself; remember you are what you feel. Like Casendra's blog name: Day-Day Good Day, is indeed very true. The famous and popular wise saying; "Happy is one day, Sad is one day, why not choose to be happy?"
Cheer up, girl! You have so many people here who love and care for you! Feeling better?
Hahaha... the car pool mate has finally appeared! Aiks, no. 4 tim.
Agreed with all the above (see see not bad huh i even read the comment!)
As we grown up we gain something we lose something, so, just be yourself (which u really need to learn this) and you'll be happy :)
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