Happy New Year everyone. How's your new year going on so far? Mine is AWESOME!!! I started my first day of year 2011 with few close friends in Cinema watching movies. Two movies at once. Cool huh? Gulliver's Travel (9.00pm) and The Tourist (11.40pm). Before that we went to Damansara Village for dinner (steamboat... I love steamboat!!!) Then to Tropicana City Mall for movies. The first movie was damn funny, I had a good laugh. We had 40 mins before the next movie starts... so Starbucks we go!! We took few pictures... Snapping and posing like nobodies business. Chatting and laughing along the way. 2nd movie was ok ok only. Not very good but not that bad as well. I think its the companies that count. After movie, home sweet home.... Simple celebration but warm at heart.... Happy 2011 buddies!!!
.... apa comment tu :P hehe ok lah not bad mah our new year eh? :P
I agreed with Jeff.... it was speechlessly awesome good! Simple yet fun.
yea... to friendship!!!!
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