Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Wrong Guy

明知道愛情並不牢靠 但是我還是拼命往裡跳
Love is so unreliable yet I risk my life to get into it
明知道再走可能是監牢 但是我還是相信只是煎熬
Heading towards dead end yet I faithfully believe its just a test
朋友都勸我不要不要 不要拿自己的幸福開玩笑
All my friends are against it, "don't gamble with your love"
但是做人已經那麼累 假惺惺的想要逃
But life is so tiring trying to run away
在愛裡連真心都不能給 這才真正的可笑
Its really sad that we can't even offer our heart to love
愛得太真 太容易 讓自己犧牲 太容易讓自己沉淪
My love is real I will sacrify and let myself perish easily
太容易 不顧一切 滿是傷痕
I became reckless and got wounded too easily
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人
I'm too foolish, I knew you are not the right person
明知道這不是緣分 但是我還奮不顧身
Its not our destiny but I'm head over heels on you
明知道愛情並不牢靠 但是我還是拼命往裡跳
Love is so unreliable yet I risk my life to get into it
明知道再走可能是監牢 但是我還是相信只是煎熬
Heading towards dead end yet I faithfully believe its just a test
朋友都勸我不要不要 不要拿自己的幸福開玩笑
All my friends are against it, "don't gamble with your love"
但是做人已經那麼累 假惺惺的想要逃
But life is so tiring trying to run away
在愛裡連真心都不能給 這才真的真正的可笑
Its really sad that we can't even offer our heart to love
愛得太真 太容易 讓自己犧牲 太容易讓自己沉淪
My love is real I will sacrify and let myself perish easily
太容易 不顧一切 滿是傷痕
I became reckless and got wounded too easily
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人
I'm too foolish, I knew you are not the right person
明知道這不是緣分 但是我還奮不顧身
You are not my destiny but I fell head over heels on you
可能 在愛裡面這樣算笨
Maybe I'm a fool in love
可能 永遠沒有所謂永恆
Maybe there was never ever after
但是我 不願放棄這裡面一點點可能 寧願笨也不想要悔恨
But I refuse to give up the slightest hope rather foolish than regret
愛得太真 太容易 讓自己犧牲 太容易讓自己沉淪 太容易 不顧一切 滿是傷痕
My love is real I will sacrify and let myself perish easily
I became reckless and got wounded too easily
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人 明知道這不是緣分 但我還是奮不顧身
I'm too foolish, I knew you are not the right person
You are not my destiny but I fell head over heels on you
我太笨 明知道你是錯的人 明知道這不是緣分 但我相信有點可能
I'm too foolish, I knew you are not the right person
You are not my destiny but I have faith you will be one day.
Heard this song from radio and I like it...Enjoy. Thanks for the translation.... =)


Casendra said...

Year end jor, put some nice song pls :p

Casendra said...
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Lonewolf said...

Mood swing so drastically... from Christmas to this.

FaiTh said...

Not mood swing ok? I just wanna share this song with you all coz its nice. And to remind myself not to be 笨蛋!!! LOL